Friday, February 8, 2008

The Return, Drama-Llamas and some extras


I took a bit of a break ... on game and from blogging. I didn't have the time nor the motivation to post too much. A lot has been happening in my real life that drains all my energy. Fucking work. Anywhoo~

So I'm back into the full swing of things. I really enjoy the game again. I've been focusing most of my time on RDM. I recently achieved 70! Woop! Mostly thanks to my WW mates who do crazy ass merit parties. And thanks to Mowgul who has also put in some time in levelling in the gruesome 60's.

WW has still been very kind to me. I still really enjoy them and honestly can't think of a better group on Cerberus. Sure, there are some.. asshats... but, they make the world go round ya? If there wasn't so many people calling you a slob and a fagget, would you ever try harder? ........................................................ It's a shock to more laid back people that join WW. They don't really know what they're getting themselves in to. But, after time, they learn when and where they can relax. ^^;

Okay - My title promised something semi-interesting.


Fuck you, DG. Honestly, what a turd. Are you that bored with FFXi that you have to make a complete ass out of yourself? You're right, 5 year old content is fucking OLD. WW vs KON is just as boring as ever. I miss when Resurgance was a competition (/laugh), it got KON looking somewhere else for the most part.

So, apparently, some WW killed a charmed KON. Whooppeeefuckindooo. So, KON comes and kills a charmed WW. Over... and over......... and over........................ and over. "An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind". Okay, I don't expect you to have THAT high of a maturity level. I understand most of you fucking kids are still in college and dealing with "finding yourself". That's fine. But, getting 2 characters banned on the same day is stupid. Getting 1 character banned because you're trying to get revenge for your linkshell is just... you're screwing over your linkshell even more because they'll lose a good character.

It's pretty gay. I want to stay out of it. Everyone's got their opinon, and thats mine. Childless, mindless, 5 year old drama. They're all llamas. hehe.

I've gotten a few cool things recently. Relic WHM hands. ^^ Relic PLD legs. ^^ Merit pts - exp for RDM (I consider that a gift since most people are elitests and expect me to keep up with a 75 rdm). Oh! Before my break, I obtained Nashira Hands!!!!! YAY!!

What else.. What else....

I don't have much else to say. I'm really enjoying my time lately. I've been having some fun in the Tree with Eugene. That's been a blast. The LS have been doing steady events - Limbus, Omegas, Ultimas, Ouryu (I love being WHM here) and Bahamut 2. Dynamis'.. mostly the outlands.. which seem to get easier and easier. Ah, the joys of FFXi.

I'm about to quit my job. Orz.


LisethCat said...

Why quit job? =x

Nyanoh said...

Hmm, Liseth - how to put it so that it's understandable.

It's like... I feel like... being a sackholder... in DRF. Understood? lol

MogKnight said...

>:O I'm still here!

Nyanoh said...

I know Moggie :) I don't mean it badly towards you, you know that. <3