Monday, March 22, 2010

Non-FFXi Material: Books

A lot of people complain about camping in the HNMLS scene. I've done my fair share of whining, usually it's just because it takes away from other in-game materials.

Most of the time, however, I'll quickly pass the time by reading. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies.

I don't read very interesting books, they're mostly just for pleasure, just for me.

When I started playing again Friday night, I helped camp Dark Ixion. I started Hourglass, by Claudia Gray. It's a #3 in the Evernight Series. Yes, it's about vampires. Today I finished it, a lot of time thanks to maintence. I'm pretty pissed about the ending, talk about cliffhanger. This book just got released this month too, I'll probably have to wait a year + to read the next novel. Sighs!

Next: Broken, by Kelly Armstrong. Mrs Armstron is a Canadian Author! Proud ^^ She's written this Women of the Underworld seris. It's pretty awesome. This book has got the only female werewolf now pregnant. Let's see how this pans out....

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