Thursday, April 23, 2009


Energy energy energy. I've got energy. :D :D

Been too busy to create them screenshots. I've been a chatterbox lately (kurious kitten). I apologize to all those I annoy. :)

Ding 63 DNC, Last BCNM for ACP [Can I have it?], Rare drop, Ready for JOL (PRE-GRATS TO ALSHA FOR NOVIOOOOOOOO) and what else.. what else...

PRE-GRATS Gene for Nyzul 100 (he's beating it now..)

PRE-GRATS Synth for Sexy, I mean, Skadi Bodi..

i forget what's happened this week, but right now I'm in a good mood. Also, I want to go to Hogwarts.

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