Monday, March 22, 2010



Are you still there?


I need to make some porriage and I'll be updating soon.

Here's the scoop: I quit. I came back again. Lasted a day. I quit. Came back. A week. Quit again, and now I'm back. I lasted all weekend long, I'm hoping for a month now. :)

Reasons why I quit: Schedule change, schedule difficulties, RL friends, RL family, IG (in game) assholes, IG people that I just cannnnnnot fathom WHY I'd rather spend time with them than be in my IRL thats without them.

Reasons I came back: Schedule change, IG friends, IG family, I forgot how much of a total asshole she is, and thought she can't be SO bad, can she?

Reason I quit again: She is.

Reasons I'm back: Schedule change, bigger blocks of freetime, IG friends, and my plans of telepathic death.

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