Monday, April 6, 2009

What what!

It's been awhile, eh?

Let's start with this funny video;

Butters' Rap-video!

Haha, okay, Next.

So, it's been awhile eh? I haven't really touched my blog mostly because I found out a lot of people read this crap. I should be happy but really, I'm scared! lol but anyway... I'm in Behemoth's Dominon right now hoping for a pop and I thought I'd do some updating.

Quite a few things...

Bastok Rank 10! Now I can live in Eugene's city! (Sometimes...Bastokens need to start taking over more out posts!)
DANCER 61! Yep, my next 75. I'm levelling it with Eugene's THF (his is much higher), but at 75 we'll be pounding back the mobs in our special knives.
A helluvalotta gear from my kickass linkshell VVhirlingVVind!


A helllluvallotta fun with all my friends :) Some people are back (WB AELVIN!) Some people have left (I'll miss you tones Biffles!) and some are still around for me to annoy.

Here's some screenshots:

Well, we killed the Behemoth that we were waiting for. Yay, GILS! This is such a trip down memory lane, isn't it X? ^^

And, more fun with dats. Have you ever played FFX-2? This is Rikku's BLM outfit. I loved having it on, but it kept lagging my macros, so I had to take it down. But isn't it cuuuuute?

This is when Mowgul skipped work for me. LOLZ. I'm trying to help kill the Colibri with lazer beams from my eyes. It didn't do much damage.. /sigh. Did they change the behaviour of that NM? I couldn't Lullaby it....

And this, is Eugene's butt.

And this is Eugene!

And this is bascially how I spend my mornings when I'm lucky enough to log in. Here's a tip: DO NOT SPAM RANDOM.

And this is our last Dynamis when people got a little sloppy at the Weapons portion. No stuns and many whirls of rage = RAGGGGGGGGGGGGE on the DD's. Rage all down the face....

This is me and Lady, who's just went through a "change" to become Pouncer. Hehe!

That's it for now, this was fun, let's do it again soon.

Btw, Synth's a rockstar!

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