Saturday, April 12, 2008


I've been a massive wall o' text these few updates and it's about time I show some pictures!

First -- look at my new toy! Eugene gave it to me and I'll cherish it forever. I really like the green chocobos, mostly because they match the WotG chocobos in Past Windy. I'm a dedicated Cobra Unit! Butttt looookit ; ; It's soo cute!!! TY EUGENE!

Next, a couple screenies from Salvage. What an interesting group it is, Woop!

Brainjack is funn...

Before most salvages, this is where I am. One unlucky run.... That was the winning chest.. orz..

Randomness... a dancing galka.... so elegant....BTW -- Grats on Homan Body! Sexy beast!

A weird color "glitch"? that showed up for most people one time fighting JOL. I figured he just went emo.

The Boyz from da Hoodz..

I've been leeching some Brothers ENM with Eugene and his taru buddy. It's really fun when I don't mess up going up / down the mountain. I love it when it looks spooky like this though! hee!


Unknown said...

Funny stuff! Why's Tzaellia gotta be beating you up like that?

MogKnight said...

:3 Jealous of your chocobo~

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Haha, nice post! I feel honored to be in so much of it! ^_^